This publisher also publish manga, or comic books. - - What is the definition of "manga"? - - "Manga" means _____
When the flamingo was frightened, she flew up in the air. What kind of animal is the flamingo?
Science fiction writers have long dreamed of metal bodies - people using machines to help them when their bodies fail. - - What is the definition of "metal bodies"? - - "Metal bodies" means
She started her own infirmary, or hospital, in 2010. - - What is the definition of "infirmary"? - - "Infirmary" means _____
Smith is a diligent – hardworking – student. He attends all classes and does his homework. - - What is the definition of "diligent"? - - "Diligent" means
If two things are similar, they are the same in some ways. - - What is the definition of "similar"? - - "Similar" means
Jason was astounded, surprised, when he won first prize. - - What is the definition of "astounded"? - - "Astounded
Bill's voice rose to a holler. His dad heard the yell across the room. What does the word holler mean?
In the United States of America there are meows called prairies. The land is very flat in these areas. What does the word prairies mean?
White-collar workers – doctors, lawyers, professors, and bankers – always work in offices. - - What is the definition of "White-collar workers"? - - "White-collar workers" means
Adventure stories thrilled the boy. He became very excited. What does the thrilled mean
The fans were let down – disappointed- when the team lost the game. - - What is the definition of "let down"? - - "Let down" means
For a brief moment there was silence. It was a short time. What does brief mean?
The bees buzz, the hen clucks, the sheep bleats, and the cow moos. What does the word bleats mean?
Jay came bounding over the flowers and into the yard. He should not jump over the flowers. The word bounding means?
NASA has researched using robot snakes as an alternative to vehicles - cars - with wheels. - - What is the definition of "vehicles"? - - "Vehicles" means
O'Keefe studied notan - a Japanese painting style. - - What is the definition of "notan"? - - "Notan" means
The land was claimed for France. France ruled it for hundreds of years. The word claimed means?