I would like to firstly apologize for not addressing you in your native language that even after so many years here I have been yet to master. My addressing you in my native language is meant as no disrespect but is merely a reflection of my in abilities and difficulties with your native language. This being said I believe that it is imperative that I bring to your attention directly by this letter of a matter that threatens my life, that of my family A matter that undermines the sovereignty of this great kingdom of Thailand, its internal and international security. A matter that tarnished your governorship that threatens the people of this nation and its interests both domestically and internationally. A matter that disrespect and mire the great rule of one the greatest monarchs this world has seen, King Bhumibol Adulyadej. A matter I find myself involved in due to my ability to incriminate not only those involved in criminal activity on a mass scale, breaches of numerous laws and crimes against humanity within the sovereignty of Thailand, but also the ability to lead investigators to evidence of the Australian Governments knowledge of, and condone of such activities, along with all Australian Governmental bodies responsible for ensuring such a matter is dealt with justly and appropriately, namely the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security. An ability to further incriminate them in additional crimes within the sovereignty of Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia, the latter two on a much lesser scale.