In the German parts of Switzerland, beckon a waiter by saying Herr Ober, and a waitress by saying Fräulein. It is considered rude to wave your hand.
Business luncheons are more common than business breakfasts.
Business entertainment is almost always done in a restaurant.
Spouses are generally included in business dinners.
The host proposes the first toast. Don't drink until after the toast is proposed.
Keep your hands on the table at all times during a meal -- not in your lap. However, keep your elbows off the table.
Cut potatoes, soft foods and salads with a fork, not a knife.
Use eating utensils at all times, including to eat fruit.
Break bread with your hands if possible. Do not use a knife.
If salt and pepper are not on the table, don't ask for them.
Don't smoke at the dinner table. Wait, watch and ask permission before smoking.
Sample everything offered to you. Try to finish everything on your plate when dining in someone's home. It is impolite to leave food on your plate.
When you are finished eating, place knife and fork side by side on the plate at the 5:25 position.
Leave a party no later than midnight.
It is considered impolite to ask for a tour of your hosts' home. If your hosts want to give a tour of their home, they will offer.