Figure 4. Shoot induction via conversion of lateral root promordia (LRP) to
shoot meristems (SMs) is dependent upon WUS.
(a) A 10-day-old seedlings transferred to 10 lM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (1-
NAA) for 24 h, and then to 4.4 lM 2iP for 21 days. WUS homozygous and
heterozygous plants (on left) regenerated a mass of shoots, whereas homozygous wus1 mutants did not generate any shoots. Scale bar: 10 mm.
(b) WUS gene dosage and LRP ? SM conversion, wild type (WT) versus
wus loss-of-function alleles. The number of shoots induced on the primary
root of seedlings after 7 days of treatment with 4.4 lM 2iP was measured
(n = 35). Error bars indicate standard errors.