Once upon a time there was a mountain of one child has that covered with gold, and many valuable things. --It's called the that mountain gold. It can move in jerks, which if this mountain to stop? It is a wealthy city, wealth comes up immediately, but the moves to try to be nice places and people with integrity.
Mountains of gold along the sea, until you see a small village. One of the waterfront, located on the southeast coast. Mountains of gold, has seen people's life here. Men hard at work and the women she breastfeed continuously good. Anyone see it as salvation, it thought that the people here deserve to be in the ownership of the treasure on a greater student. Gently move into nearby
While trying to reach the coast. Gold Mountain is heard crying coming. It's looking down to see a tiny seed, grain, one floating on the water are crying heavily.
The grain mountain gold, Buono said that "I was born to make people eat me, but people back here leave me down" when you hear stories of gold mountain, it is angry and says, "we should respect each other, anyone who does not see the value of honor, a small thing like that of working with the villagers, she does not deserve the wealth that I intend, as well!"
Suddenly a wind and rain storm can blow all kinds of things happening that includes the land along the waterfront until the fleeting! Mountains of gold get grain as part of his move from the village, then go.
From the time the villagers along the waterfront there have suffered heavy. Need to build a water ban lived since then no one has seen the mountains of gold again.