UsingTHfRNIOLOID : CS-5006on thc nrctals a corrosion inhibiting Iaycr is fbnlcd witlt furthcr c|fnprotccts thc rnctals agrinst corrosivcattack.lt controlscorrosion of fcrrous and non¬tbrots lnctals.Sat-cto trsc a higlr iclrpcraturc.
DiSI),iG: 'flrc d,csingrateof THERIVIOLOID : CS-5006 rvill be depcndingon thc watcr qualiry. In gencralabout0.5 lirrc of THERMOLOID CS-5006pcr 35 litre of watcr holding capacity in fhc s1-stcrns in rccommcndcd.Ovcrdosingwith THERMOLOID : CS-5006 causesno harm, but for economy in sue the current lcvcl of treatmentshouldbc maintainedusing thc simple chemical control test PACKAGING : 20 kt$"/Pail.