I know it was long what I wrote last time. It is important for you to understand what i meant as we go forward. Translate sentence by sentence, if need be use a dictionary. I will explain in more details when we meet or you can ask me questions. I will always be honest with you and never play games. I have found people on this site have different expectations. Yes, I will help you in many ways which I will explain when we meet. I want to help you become a legend in our company and when you do that, I will give you 300,000 baht when you accomplish this. The company will pay for your travels to first class resorts every year. If you choose to go forward after meeting with me where I explain everything to you in Thai as I will pay for someone to translate me. I will continue to investing into helping you accomplish this. On your way to becoming a legend, the company will be paying you, like they pay me for helping others as I have done for you.