Thanks for sending this.
The part you have submitted is part (1) of the project, an essay comprising narrative paragraphs on a topic you chose.
The good thing is that you seem to have create this yourself, and not copied from other sources on the Internet. You have expressed lots of interesting ideas, but badly in terms of standards required in academic writing. Although I could 'sort of' make sense of what you were trying to say, the use of the language was disastrous - full of grammar mistakes (missing verbs, wrong person (1st / 2nd / 3rd - person singular / plural, etc.), words used wrongly.
Part (2) was an essay comprising 10 comparison paragraphs on a topic referred to in the Project description. Unfortunately, I cannot give you any marks for that, as you did not submit anything at all for it.
If only you had not left it so late, and had come into classes regularly!
I will give you a mark. I will be a 'close call' as to whether you will have enough marks not to fail!
It really is time to start being responsible for yourself, don't you think!