The exquisite god Senior, stands this side Nie Li? Long Tianming dismal feelings, are helping the bystander including their old grandmothers suddenly, he suddenly has become a person all alone, if so, can he also be what kind of?
Only can acting the position of Sect Master hands over!
He has made these many, why destiny waits him to be so unfair!
Nie Li gaze fell on the body of Long Tianming, the corners of the mouth has shown a faint smile, according to the path of previous generation, thoughts deep Long Tianming truly obtained has acted the position of Sect Master, and has pushed to the abyss of deconstruction entire Divine Feather Sect. However this, he is will not make such matter live absolutely again!
The Long Tianming plans are deep, possibly fights has Nie Li of second experience?
Resources that Nie Li has on hand, sufficiently the Long Tianming thoroughly crush!
Once Nie Li becomes acts Sect Master, that Long Tianming is impossible again threatened him!