To better understand the reasons and dynamics of land cover changes, as well as the related
qualitative socio-economic aspects, we conducted 24 interviews with local and regional experts,
stakeholders and researchers from both areas (Table 1). The objective of the interviews was to collect
information on demographic, agricultural, forestry, economic, cultural and institutional, proximate and
distant driving forces and consequences of land cover change. Interviews were performed in October
and November 2012, in Italy, and July and September 2012, in Romania. The interviews were
grounded on a review of local, regional and national policy documents on mountains, agriculture,
forestry and the environment, as well as relevant scientific literature. The interview protocol included
questions on the observed land cover changes, their possible consequences and importance, possible
changes to the demography, agriculture, economy and tourism of the areas, the role of decision making
on different levels (local, regional, national, etc.) and, also, the possible effects of external driving
forces, such as global political changes.