The main data link system.
1. Get information /car /cane weight and paid card (RFID) to car ; Weight scale room
2. Driver or dump operator brought to scan the card reader (RFID reader) in dump. ; Truck tipper
3. As soon as the lift dump send number information dump and cane into PLC. ; Control dump room.
4. Return card to weight scale for scan information off and clear data card(RFID) , card (RFID) used to circulate. ; Weight scale room
5. All data send to CCS room, ccs room will save number example juice with ccs. Data real time ; CCS room
Addition orders,
1. SQL server ; P'mai
2. Computer at control dump room control by QC/QA
3. Card (RFID) should buy equal of the car in parking. estimate price 10 THB/card
4. RFID reader , 1 dump : 1 reader ( 8 set )
ืNow check spec. for used , if progress will inform again.