Martin Luther King, Jr.
People in United States have not alway had the same rights. In the 1960s, some people had less rights then others. For example, black people could not vote. They could not go to the same places as white people. They could not eat in the same restaurants, go to the same schools, or sit in the same bus seats. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped change all that. King was a great leader. He helped all people get the same rights. However, it was not easy. Many people did not think that everyone should have equal rights. Some white people killed black people or burned their houses and cars. Some people wanted to fight back. Martin Luther King, Jr. said no. In stead of weapons, he said people should fight with words and actions. He wanted everyone to be peaceful. one way to do this was to sit and not move. One black woman sat in the front of a bus. When the driver told her to move to the back, she did not go. When king heard about this, he told other people not to ride the buses. So did many white people. The bus company lost a lot of money, so finally it said black people could sit wherever they wanted. Martin Luther King, Jr. did many other things to make people think about how the rights for all were not equal. After many years, the US made a law giving black people equal rights with white people. In 1968. Today, the United States has a special day each January to remember Martin Luther King, Jr.