Hello Mickey
It. Was nice getting your message today. Your English is very good and I don't think that we will have a problem at all. I think that you have a very fair plan, friends first, then we can see where things may go for us. How old is your daughter if you don't mind me asking? Mickey, I am a very optimistic person and always look for the positive outcome. If I ever write something that you have trouble understanding, just let me know and I will be happy to explain it further. I do want to ask you, if things were to work out between us later, is the United States a place where you would like to live? I think that you and your daughter would enjoy it very much. It is a very diverse country. I look forward to your next message. May I offer you my email address as well, jerrybennett013@yahoo.com . Please feel free to ask me anything, nothing is too personal. Thank you, Jerry