1 Choosing an inappropriate technology. The companies might move to EDI before their
customers and suppliers are ready. They may also choose to use EDI when there is a more effective means of communicating with their customers and suppliers electronically.
2 Unauthorized system access. Hackers can break into the system and steal data or sabotage the system.
3 Tapping into data transmissions. Hackers can eavesdrop on a data transmission and copy the transmission, distort it, or prevent it from amving at its destination
4 Loss of data integrity. Errors may be introduced into the data due to employee or software errors, erroneous input. faulty transmissions, and so forth
5 Incomplete transactions. The receiving computer may not receive all the data from the sending computer.
6 system failures. Hardware or software problems, power outages, sabotage, employee mistakes, or other factors may cause the EDI system to fail or be inaccessible for a time.
7 Incompatible systems. Some companies have difficulty interacting with other ems because of incompatible computer systems.