The environmental factors leading to injuries are often
associated with other environmental health risks. For
example, home and school construction and furnishing
materials can lead to unintentional injuries, and poisoning
may result from exposure to chemicals unsafely used or
stored. International injuries resulting from child
maltreatment are associated with physical and cognitive
deficits in the abused infants,
poor parenting skills, material conflict and lack of social
support systems for families.
Figure 3
Table 3: Cumulative incidence rate of different types of
accidents / injuries recorded among till the date of interview.
(Figure in parenthesis are percentage)
Urban transport, land use patterns, and recreation areas are
linked to road traffic injuries, as well as to exposure to air
pollution and noise. Workplaces pose specific physical and
chemical risks to adolescent workers, whose vulnerability is
increased by unsafe bahaviours. 2
In the current study, data were collected to measure different
type of risk among under five children in their homes viz.
presence of fire within reach of under five children, presence
of electric appliances within reach of under five children,
presence of household chemicals within reach of under five
children, and presence of material / item falling on under
five children.