Dear Mr Itthirat Neawla
I send this email to you because I can’t suffer from my stomachache anymore. Last night, it was really excruciating and I was not able to sleep. Then this morning, I just went to work in one hour and come back home in exhausted situation. It is the third time I have caught a severe stomachache but all of serious one I got from the beginning I started to work in here.
Although I have known that my illness can become worse if I don’t eat at certain time every day I want to learn many kinds of skill and knowledge when I was a trainee in Panorama. So I pushed myself to the limits in order to complete my duties.
And I known that you have a variety of problems to solve so i was afraid that you will take your time in order to worry about me. Then i'm so sorry that when you asked me : "How are you ?", i always said okay.
Two times before, I just need to drink one tablet from Pi Win for the first time I had stomachache and one piece of Vietnam traditional medicine for the second time. My stomachache recovered within one day so I could come back to work again. Then I thought that everything would be okay. On the contrary, this time i drunk both medicine in Room Service and Vietnam traditional one but until now it was still acutely painful. Last night, I writhed in agony and slept less than one hour. So this time I known that stomachache became really serious. According my relation who has been a doctor in Vietnam said that if I catch stomachache many times it could be life-threatening when stomachache becomes stomach cancer.
Now I just want to come back to Vietnam in order to totally heal this serious illness. So please kindly allow my request.
Thank you very much for reading this email.
Yours sincerely.