Shopping in Phuket
A Shopaholics Delight
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Phuket is certainly a shopper’s paradise as it offers such a wide choice to locals and tourists alike. In recent years, several large shopping malls have been established here and so the whole gamut of shopping experiences are represented well. Compared with Bangkok however, Phuket doesn’t quite have the same diversity and quantity of shops, but you can certainly find just about anything you need on the island without too much trouble.
Shopping anywhere in Thailand can be an extremely intense but enjoyable experience, as there are so many varied, wonderful and even downright strange things to buy. From the usual tourist souvenirs to handmade silk items, tailor made suits and knocked off clothing, fine furniture and arts and crafts; just about everything you can imagine is available somewhere. Most people that shop in Thailand wish they’d brought a couple of extra suitcases to fill up, once they realise just how many bargains there are to be had. We recommend that you buy an extra bag or two whilst here and pack it to the brim with all the wonderful stuff that you can get your hands on!
Please also check out our related articles on markets and shopping malls in Phuket.