As a result of the analysis, the students stated that the use of combining computer simulations and laboratory
activities facilitates understanding, provides faster and permanent learning, mastering of the subject, learning by doing, and increases the level of course achievement as well as making the lessons enjoyable and fun. Similarly,
Lowersion, Sclater, Schmid and Abrami (2004) found that students in their study thought using computer
technology was valuable for learning. The finding that the students viewed that they learnt faster is also in parallel
with the findings of Bell and Smetana (2008). Likewise, in their study with engineering students, Balakrisnan and
Woods (2013) revealed that the students found simulation laboratories and real laboratories entertaining, and
thought that these two applications complement each other. Also Jaakola and Nurmi (2007) stated that using
computer simulations together with laboratory activities can help to bridge the gap between theory and reality.
Accordingly, computer simulations and laboratory activities, depending on the facilities, can be used as mutually
complementary in science courses.