By taking GFC fraction from 5 to 12 min, the purity of HDSs was significantly improved.
DP profile of the purified HDSs was determined by HPAEC–PAD.
The concentration of HDSs in GFC fraction was 42 mg/L by simple calculation.
By using monomeric saccharides and XOS with DP from 2 to 6 as standard, the results showed that monosaccharides and XOS (DP 2–6) accounted for 9.6% and 28% of the total HDSs in GFC fraction, respectively (Table 3).
In addition, the xylotriose had the highest concentration of 3.15 mg/L.
Suppose the DP of saccharides increases peak by peak in elution chromatogram, HPAEC–PAD system showed remarkable
separation ability up to 12 DP with near baseline resolution (Electronic Annex Fig. S4).