A quick [Heal] from me recovered quite a bit of health and at the same time I yelled, “Okay, all Healers, focus on healing me. I can’t be sure that I can tank all the boss’ attacks!”
Li Mu shouted, “Get a high level Monk to cast [Lay Down Your Blade] on the boss. That will lower it’s attack by 10%. That way it won’t be too painful. Damn, Xiao Yao could be killed by a critical hit. Purple Tier Bosses are such bullsh*t…”
“Be careful!” shouted General Lian Po after he launched 3 continuous attacks.
Being vigilant, I quickly stepped back but it was too late. Tu Lin raised his sword and walking the path of stairs, he thrust his weapon on the ground as he stamped his boots. “Bang!” a deafening sound thundered as a six-pointed star appeared beneath him. Countless thorns erupted from the earth covering an area of 50×50 meters, inflicting damage to everyone within it. I was the first to receive damage and three damage numbers emerged——
“Damn it!” I quickly retreated, chugging a health potion while casting [Heal] on myself, barely keeping up with the damages. Taking a quick look behind me, a terrifying sight greeted my vision. 14 dead bodies laid on the ground behind me. Many of the Mages, Healers and Archers were killed immediately, even the Lv 46 Monk was foolishly standing there with only 23% health.
“Immediately [Heal] Xiao Yao! Quickly!” Li Mu anxiously ordered, “[Revive] the fallen Healers, this battle needs them. Xiao Yao, have you confirmed the spell’s area of effect?”
While brandishing my Frost Rain Sword against the Boss alone, I roared: “A radius of 25 meters!”
Li Mu yelled: “All ranged attackers, keep a distance of 25 meters from the Boss and remember to maintain a dispersed formation. Once the Healers resurrect, focus your healing spells on Xiao Yao. Don’t forget to buff him while Monks should use [Lay Down Your Sword] to weaken the boss’ attack, while decreasing his aggro value toward others to avoid an AOE attack! ”
I continued to struggle and looked into the distance: “*Cough* Uncle Lian Po, use your [Shattered Shot] on the Boss and stun him. That will lessen the pressure on me…..”
Lian Po was speechless then arched his bowstring: “He knows that [Shattered Shot] misses easily. Trying to embarrass me, this brat……”
“Swoosh” An arrow flew by; it was a gorgeous MISS!
However, the Mages and Archers that attacked helped tremendously. Tu Lin’s HP fell extremely fast compared to me doing it alone. In the short span of 7 minutes, the health of the Boss already fell to 30%. Several Healers chuckled: “Xiao Yao, when Guild Master Li Mu was tanking…..he was almost killed by a Lv 45 Gold Tier Boss….”
Li Mu’s face turns green: “Do not speak trash, respect the Guild Master!”
The Healer pouted and stuck out her tongue, opening a gap of 2 cm between her fingers: “Guild Master, you’re only this long!”
My eyes almost popped out. The atmosphere in [Valiant Bravery] was really “good”, members would even ridicule their leaders. Who knows how ashamed Li Mu must feel.
I laughed and said: “Oh, that beauty already knows Li Mu’s size…”
Li Mu looked pale: “No….. It’s not like that…..”
The Healer also responded shyly: “Handsome Xiao Yao, I don’t really know leader’s size. I was speaking nonsense. What I really want to know more is your size; give me a chance…..”
My mouth twitched: “You’d rather not…..”
Li Mu stared at me: “Are you less than 1 cm…..”
“Ha ha ha…”