The California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT^sup 42^) is used as a standard neuropsychological tool to assess immediate and delayed verbal memory; it is sensitive to temporohippocampal dysfunction.43 Briefly, the task assesses memory of 16 items presented in 5 learning trials, followed by an assessment of memory after each trial. An interference list is presented after the fifth trial, followed by the assessment of memory recall from the interference trial and an immediate short delay free recall. Delayed recall and recognition are then assessed after about 20 minutes.44 The CVLT is widely used to assess verbal learning memory in patients with mood disorders and other neuropsychiatrie conditions.42 We also used a computerized task, the process dissociation task, to examine recollection and habit memory integrity within a single task.45,46 This task has been recognized as a valid method of examining recollection memory processes independent of habit memory in a single paradigm.47 The task is sensitive to recollection memory impairment in subjects with unipolar depression across a variety of mood states41,48 and employs stimuli that have been extensively studied in nonpsychiatric populations. Briefly, 18 stimulus words are paired with 2 associative responses that occurred with equal frequency in published norms (e.g., door-knobs, door-knock). Stimuli are presented on an IBM compatible computer monitor with Micro-Experimental Software.49 Character size is approximately 3×4 mm, and subjects sit about 75 cm from the monitor.