Two research teams have conducted studies whereby deterioration in inmates health during incarceration were revealed through selfreports , neithervteam elaborated on how health had deteriorated in the participants is own words. Results from the quantitative portion of our broader study of older inmate health revealed that 41% (n=21) of inmate perceived that their health had worsened to some degree since incarceration, 26% (n=13) perceived some degree of improvement since incarceration, and the remainder -33% (n=17)-reported no change in health since incarceration. One possible explanation for inmates health deterioration is that older inmates may neglect theirvhelth because of a lack of concern or knowledge about health. Inmates may lack confidence in their health selfmanagement abilities ; however, in our broader quantitative study; inmates ratings of self-efficacy in their health self-management abilities revealed that 90% (n=46) of inmates felt at least some degree of confidence in their current ability to manage their health, and 84% reported at least some degree of confidence in their ability to manage their health postincarceration.