Seriously, message me when you visit. I don't care what you say, I'm bored and I wanna talk at people.
I'm Daniel. Or Danny or Dan or whatever you like
I think Africans are pretty cool. They're pretty much the nicest people in the world and it seriously bums me out that so many of you block them.
My music taste is pretty out there, I guess. I love discovering new and interesting music. If you introduce me to some new music, I'll totally love you.
No kpop.
Please no kpop.
I have a stack of books on my floor that is getting taller and taller. Bookshelves are a scam, I'm sure of it.
Anyway, all my books cover things like technology, history, geopolitics, psychology, neuroscience, the darker sides of humanity. If you like any of this stuff, talk at me in my face. I'm dying for some itty gritty boring non-fiction conversation.
Open-mindedness is pretty much required for a good conversation here. I'm doing fine in life, I've got some great direction, but I've also got some vices and I'll defend every single one of them.
I really wanna travel again soon, preferably Western Europe and alllll of Asia. Let me surf on your couches, IP strangers!
i think tattoos are dumb
And if I visit your profile and don't message, it's because I browse mindlessly sometimes. Don't panic if I visit you more than once. I just click things without giving much thought. I do like colorful profile pictures though.
i love cats