When compared with the control, uptake of zinc as well
as TAR tended to increase significantly with increasing
zinc concentration in the medium. Zn uptake and TAR
were higher at the higher metal application rate than at
the lower ones. Transport indices, such as primary and
secondary, changed according to increasing zinc
concentrations. The effects of different treatments on
BCF for Zn in several plant parts are represented in
Table 3. When compared with 1 mM ZnCl2 application,
BCF for Zn was higher in the 5 mM Zn concentration; it
was highest in the roots, followed by the hypocotyls and
then the cotyledons.
Plants treated with high zinc concentrations (5 and 10
mM ZnCl2) showed significant decreases in chlorophyll
(Chl a, Chl b, Chl a/b