4.3.6 Local Criterion Weight
The local criterion weight is a function of global criterion weights, local range and global
range (Equation 3-12). Given four neighborhood schemes, the results of the local
criterion weighting have four sets of outcomes. Figures 4-8, 4-9, 4-10 and 4-11 show the
spatial patterns of local criterion weights under different neighborhood schemes.
The local criterion weights are the kernel of the local OWA method. The local criterion
weight contains the local context and supports spatial visualization. In the global OWA
method, all locations (areas) are assigned by a single value as the global criterion weight.
For example, the global criterion weight of median incomes is 0.25 (see Table 4-3). Since
the local criterion weight depends on the local range, each location is assigned by a
unique value of local criterion weight. This is because, for a given criterion, values of the
global weight and the global range are constant, while the local criterion weight is a
function of the local range which varies on the location basis (see Equation 3-12). The
local ranges in turn depend on the neighborhood scheme. Therefore, the spatial pattern
of local criterion weights can be considered as an important element of defining the
character and the spatial arrangement of residential neighborhoods.