Types of Compressors
Reciprocating Compressors/Piston Compressors
Reciprocating air compressors function with the aid of pistons and are classified as positive displacement machines. These apparatuses function by storing compressed air inside of tanks. After the air pressure reaches a specified level (which may be preset or adjusted per requirement) the motor shuts off. Either one piston (a single processing unit) or more (double or multi-processing units) are stimulated inside a cylinder to raise gas pressure. A majority of the piston models feature an air tank and manufacturers produce them with an automatic shut-off feature as air is emptied and filled into the tank.
These compressors can be either air or oil cooled as they generate large amounts of heat. Manufacturers supply compressors with horsepower capabilities that generally span from 1-50 for smaller processes, but may exceed 1,000 horsepower for large applications. These devices are efficient for their inexpensive and initial cost and easy installation and do not generate an oil carry-over, which may tend to affect processes.