• Net Business Exposure (NBE) Reviews need to be conducted for Airline Merchants irrespective of whether they are supported by collateral or whether the previous NBE is less than or equal to US$100,000.
• If an Airline NBE is found to have reached 80% of the previously approved Credit Approval CAP, a fresh approval must be sought to extend the Maximum NBE CAP for the merchant. If the Business believes that the Merchant which has crossed the 80% CAP is not expected to breach the 100% of the previously approved limit, then they may choose not to seek re-approval for a higher limit. This action however has to be documented via email between the Merchant Business Unit and Risk Management Unit.
• In the event that the NBE for an Airline Merchant crosses the approved CAP and it is not approved within the same month, a holdback will be carried out on additional acquired volume.
• NBE needs to be calculated at an Entity Level, not at a Group Level. Entity level is defined as the actual merchant company that is acquired and Group level is defined as the parent or holding company.