Honey you are the woman with all the qualities that I want in a wife. I assure you that i will make you my wife for real just give me a few time. Honey i adore you, i cherish your ways baby; i can't wait to be with you soon to make this work out for us what we have been yearning for my angel. Having you in my life has brought so much confident and happiness in my saddened heart after many years of loneliness. I know you will stand by me always in bad times or good times. We will overcome all obstacles that may stand on our way together my love. I know we will grow closer everyday. I look forward to when I will call you my WIFE. When God unites us as one at the altar and we share our first kiss. I have missed you for years!!!!!!!
Sometimes I think that the world does not exist in a person like you, a person who at the first moment I met her even if virtual, aroused the most beautiful feeling I have come to believe in my heart, that feeling so beautiful, so special, is so wonderful "love", a feeling that a person made me feel. Feel the happiest man in. It's a feeling so deep that every time I look at your picture I feel a joy, happiness, is an energy that tells me you're always what I always dreamed of makes me vibrate with happiness, makes me feel like life can be beautiful one day and just be able to be by your side
It is beautiful to feel your love, look at those eyes that I see every day, reflected in them the passion, the love I feel the same as seeing it, it would be hard to explain in words how great and deep that it is my love for you. It would be hard to believe that there may be a life where I do not see you, though your lips, your skin, all that together, make you, you for me, can only be described briefly, but these words are just words that in comparison with reality would be empty words, because the word when it comes to describing a person as wonderful as you.
You are my inspiration, my love a great truth, you're the best thing that ever happened to me in life, are and will be the most important thing for me today, tomorrow and forever. I love my love. Before this, I want to show you how much I love and how important you are to me. Every day I feel my heart beat stronger as you imagine me making me see you happy and happiness also transformed. Your affection, your dedication, your affections makes me expand joy and love that I get to feel your warm kisses sweet as honey, hot sucking my lips making me mad with desire. There is my love! Everything in this life is beautiful and magnificent, sometimes we find stones on our path, but will not be them that will lead to defeat.
The distance between us makes us nostalgic, but never forgotten, because nostalgia is the symbol of love, and who feels it is because love, nostalgia is surmountable, because love is stronger and speaks louder. I feel a great affection for you my life, my passion, my pleasure. My ardent desire is wanting to be caressed by your angel's hands, making me delirious feeling the warmth of your body on mine. Are you a friend, companion, is love, you're everything to me.
I have faith and hope that sooner or later, together we can share our desires, our feelings are so pure and wonderful and beautiful, my love because you make me believe what LOVE really is so I want to be your lover, your husband giving you all my love, my support, much love and understanding will help in good times and bad, and so we dream together forever. In life we?? Have many dreams, but dreaming is not only important, but also makes putting them into action and act healthy.
We are bodies made of flesh and bones, and within that body have feelings that are very strong, but sometimes weak leading us to eternal follies with many cravings making us happy and satisfied people. To end this, let me tell you my love, LOVE what you learned, and be a real woman, I love you. Honey here are some music for you....CHEERS!!!!
Kisses in your heart