There is a good understanding of current supply and demand
relationships for aggregates, including relatively detailed spatial
and time-series information on inter- and intra-regional
mass flows in Britain (Department for Communities and Local
Government, 2006a). For other minerals, our knowledge of production
and import metrics is good, but there is no detailed information
on mass flows and apparent consumption. There is reasonably good
understanding of the amount and location of aggregate reserves in
England and trends in changes in the reserve over time (Brown
and Highley, 2006). Good-quality statistics on coal production and
remaining resources at surface and underground mines are available
(Coal Authority, 2008).
Technologies have developed to ensure safe and efficient extraction
and processing for both surface and underground mining
and to mitigate much of its environmental impact. For example,
designs for quarry face blasting to achieve optimum rock breakage
appropriate to final usage consistent with minimising environmental
impact are now well established (Mohanty, 1996), and there
have been many developments in crushing circuits to minimise
There is a good understanding of current supply and demandrelationships for aggregates, including relatively detailed spatialand time-series information on inter- and intra-regionalmass flows in Britain (Department for Communities and LocalGovernment, 2006a). For other minerals, our knowledge of productionand import metrics is good, but there is no detailed informationon mass flows and apparent consumption. There is reasonably goodunderstanding of the amount and location of aggregate reserves inEngland and trends in changes in the reserve over time (Brownand Highley, 2006). Good-quality statistics on coal production andremaining resources at surface and underground mines are available(Coal Authority, 2008).Technologies have developed to ensure safe and efficient extractionand processing for both surface and underground miningand to mitigate much of its environmental impact. For example,designs for quarry face blasting to achieve optimum rock breakageappropriate to final usage consistent with minimising environmentalimpact are now well established (Mohanty, 1996), and therehave been many developments in crushing circuits to minimise
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