Abstract—The tomato plant has a specific relationship with native pollinators because the form of its flowers is
adapted to buzz pollination carried out by some pollen-gatherer bees that vibrate their indirect flight muscles to
obtain that floral resource. The absence and the low density of these bees in tomato fields can lead to pollination
deficits for crop. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that open tomato flowers, probably visited by native
pollinator, have greater pollen load on their stigma than unvisited flowers. Another objective is to show that this
great pollen load increases fruit production. We selected crops of the Italian tomato cultivar in areas of the State of
Goiás, Brazil. Thirty seven plants of three crops each had one inflorescence bagged in the field. Bagged and nonbagged
flowers had their stigmas collected and the amount of pollen on their surfaces was quantified. For the
comparison of fruit production, we monitored bagged and not-bagged inflorescences and after 40 days, their fruits
were counted, weighed, measured and had their seeds counted. The amount of pollen grains on the stigma of flowers
available to pollinators was higher than that on the stigma of bagged flowers. On average, fruit production was larger
in not-bagged inflorescences than in bagged inflorescences. In addition, not-bagged flowers produced heavier fruits
than did bagged flowers. There was a significant difference in the number of seeds between treatments, with
significantly more seeds in the non-bagged fruit. Our results show that native bees buzz-pollinate tomato flowers,
increasing the pollen load on their stigma and consequently fruit production and quality.
Abstract—The tomato plant has a specific relationship with native pollinators because the form of its flowers isadapted to buzz pollination carried out by some pollen-gatherer bees that vibrate their indirect flight muscles toobtain that floral resource. The absence and the low density of these bees in tomato fields can lead to pollinationdeficits for crop. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that open tomato flowers, probably visited by nativepollinator, have greater pollen load on their stigma than unvisited flowers. Another objective is to show that thisgreat pollen load increases fruit production. We selected crops of the Italian tomato cultivar in areas of the State ofGoiás, Brazil. Thirty seven plants of three crops each had one inflorescence bagged in the field. Bagged and nonbaggedflowers had their stigmas collected and the amount of pollen on their surfaces was quantified. For thecomparison of fruit production, we monitored bagged and not-bagged inflorescences and after 40 days, their fruitswere counted, weighed, measured and had their seeds counted. The amount of pollen grains on the stigma of flowersavailable to pollinators was higher than that on the stigma of bagged flowers. On average, fruit production was largerin not-bagged inflorescences than in bagged inflorescences. In addition, not-bagged flowers produced heavier fruitsthan did bagged flowers. There was a significant difference in the number of seeds between treatments, withsignificantly more seeds in the non-bagged fruit. Our results show that native bees buzz-pollinate tomato flowers,increasing the pollen load on their stigma and consequently fruit production and quality.
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