If you dig a hole deep 100 meters from the center of the city, French Village of Crozet will find that we are in the midst of a large tunnel. It cuts through a large room filled with steel pipe magnet wire, but it also has been cycling around the buildings is unknown to science. To solve the problem at some point, it will use a particle accelerator to send larger particles with light speed to another collision of particles. Scientists have analyzed the levels to collect data. Projects worth up to a billion dollars on September 10, 2008 LHC was successfully tested for the first time. By firing a beam of particles called protons by power transmission throughout the tunnel. And everything was going smoothly, said Lyn Evans, a physicist believed that this day is the smallest atom, which is caused by a combination of atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons due to the incorporation of quarks and gluons, the particles were discovered experimental collision of particles and have discovered a particle 57 is Michael Peskin believes accelerator. the particles are essential to help discover other particles. Not many, and the physicists hope to replicate the second state to have as close to the theoretical causing particles called this phenomenon the Big Bang, which is a big blow, causing our universe is a universe. it consists of a substance that is invisible to 80 percent of scientists are expecting a particle accelerator that will help to reveal the fascinating weaves of particle called the "Higgs boson" particle accelerators, this has to be. larger than any ever built on the so-called "Atlas" and the most heavily called CMS. The particle accelerator created carefully. The particle beam into a strange phenomenon can destroy the world or universe humans is that these things are useless to humans. But if forced atomic energy as a result of both strong. Are all affect things later. Experimental particle accelerator so tries to demonstrate and human effort to understand what the work in the LHC argue that the project is vital to the foundation of the reason that we still lack the machinery does. have And is the most important part of your life forever.