Nothing makes me sadder than knowing that Naruto worked so hard to not bring Sasuke home… but to chase him away…And the Team he cherished enough to walk through hell for… broke APART as if it never existed in the first place.
This is why I don’t regard 700/The Last as canon. Kishimoto gave up the ending to Studio Pierrot - he confirmed this - and it was no longer his story, but theirs.
The Last/700 was not meant to be. Studio Pierrot transpired this.
No matter how many filler episodes they release to try to convince the viewers that this is anything but a poorly conveyed ending, and no matter how many interviews come out to try to justify this… People will know that this was not the stories true direction; that it was meant to be so much more and teach the values of friendship and forgiveness.
Until 698, Naruto taught me about love, forgiveness, pain, never giving up, to fight for what you believe in….
The chapters that followed taught me the opposite.
We watched the characters who we grew up with and looked up to eventually become puppets to a studio who couldn’t convey them properly and ruined them, leaving them with ghastly holes for strings that a puppeteer weaves lies with.