Management and leadership of multicultural teams involves effectively and creatively
dealing with a variety of challenges that emerge as people from different
cultural backgrounds interact with each other to accomplish the team task.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce what is known about multicultural
teams and the factors that play a role in understanding and making these teams
effective, using research and practice-based knowledge. The chapter begins with a
broad overview of the emergence and importance of multicultural teams, the different
forms these teams may take, and the role of diversity in multicultural team dynamics
and effectiveness. Additionally, the chapter systematically identifies numerous
factors embedded in the individual, team, organizational, and societal levels that
impact multicultural team effectiveness.
Management and leadership of multicultural teams involves effectively and creativelydealing with a variety of challenges that emerge as people from differentcultural backgrounds interact with each other to accomplish the team task.The purpose of this chapter is to introduce what is known about multiculturalteams and the factors that play a role in understanding and making these teamseffective, using research and practice-based knowledge. The chapter begins with abroad overview of the emergence and importance of multicultural teams, the differentforms these teams may take, and the role of diversity in multicultural team dynamicsand effectiveness. Additionally, the chapter systematically identifies numerousfactors embedded in the individual, team, organizational, and societal levels thatimpact multicultural team effectiveness.
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