There is also an urgent neet to conserve these tropical moist habitats. Local and regional habitat loss and degradation (microhabitat changes such as drying of sguatic and moist habitat, loss of leaf litter, pesticides,and diseses) and large-scale environmental changes (such as acid deposition and ozene depletion) are causal factors associated with declining populations (Blaustein 1994 Blaustein and Wake 1990, 1995; Dodd 1997;Lawrance 1995; Vasudevan 1996). The loss of amphibian diversity that has probably accomoanied the recent wave of deforestation (over the past 100 years) in the Indo-pacific region will be immeasurabld. There are few records of amphibian extinctions in the Indo-pacific. However,this is probably because of lack of information and study, rather than a