Honey, how was your weekend? How is work today? I really missed you so much over the weekend...I hope you do too, I have plans of traveling to one of the Asian country for some family business I guess this is the best opportunity for us to get to know more about each and possible get married , my mom has been asking me lately when are we getting married and this is the right time for us now I really can’t stay without you anymore always missed you and go crazy thinking about you&n bsp;let me know if you are ready so we can start plans. I really cant wait to meet you honey you are really a blessing to me and to the world. I love you so much honey and I can’t wait to be with you forever and spend the rest of my life with you.
On Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 14:43, วัชรินทร์ พ่วงเรือ wrote