In the same way, Schone have shown that light and sediment resuspension have cumulative effects in promoting the recruitment of Microcystis. These authors concluded that sediment mixing facilitates Microcystis recruitment rather than triggering it. However, when parameters potentially involved in recruitment are disentangled and tested separately, as in our experiment, it appears that sediment resuspension could in fact promote the recruitment of benthic Microcystis, without any concomitant increase in light or temperature as has also been suggested by other authors. Under natural conditions, sediment mixing could correspond to wind-induced resuspension during the spring overturn when the water column is unstratified, and/or to resuspension brought about by bioturbation.Indeed, the resuspension of sediment can lead to the detachment of sediment particles, thus increassing the buoyancy of benthic Microcystis colonies, and triggering their recruitment.