Part II of SSHE106-PDR-310 is intended to be included, as a reference, in Tender documents, to assist in the compiling the SSHE CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS FORM (APPENDIX 5), to enable Contractors, together with Contract Holders/ PTTEP Site Representative, to carry out PTTEP prescribed SSHE activities in the manner and at the level required by PTTEP. Of particular importance is the detail given for the preparation of the Contractor‟s SSHE Management Plan.
It is mandatory that in any contract the SSHE requirements of Part II of SSHE106-PDR-310 are fulfilled by both Contractors and PTTEP Contract Holders. This entire part of SSHE106-PDR-310 shall be given to Contractors to enable them to carry out the requirements detailed below, in addition to all other contractual requirements.