The data on acute exposure to cyanide are unsuitable for use in deriving a healthbased
value for short-term exposure because of the high uncertainty surrounding the
data. Using the NOAEL for effects on the reproductive organs of male rats in a 13-
week study and an uncertainty factor of 100, a TDI of 0.045 mg/kg body weight can be
derived. Because this health-based value is intended for short-term use and exposure
would not exceed 5 days, it is considered to be acceptable to allocate 40% of the TDI
to drinking-water to allow for exposure to cyanogenic glycosides in food. Therefore,
assuming a 60 kg adult drinking 2 litres of water per day with an allocation of 40%
of the TDI to drinking-water, a health-based value of 0.5 mg/l (rounded value) for
short-term exposure can be calculated.