Abstract—In recent years people in modern societies have
heavily relied on their own intelligent mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets to get personal services and improve
work efficiency. In consequence, quick and simple authentication
mechanisms along with energy saving consideration are generally
adopted by these smart handheld devices such as screen autolock
schemes. When a smart device activates its screen lock mode
to protect user privacy and data security on this device, its screen
auto-lock scheme will be executed at the same time. Device user
can setup the length of time period to control when to activate the
screen lock mode of a smart device. However, it causes
inconvenience for device users when a short time period is set for
invoking screen auto-lock. How to get balance between security
and convenience for individual users to use their own smart
devices has become an interesting issue. In this paper, an
intelligent display (screen) auto-lock scheme is proposed for
mobile users. It can dynamically adjust the unlock time period
setting of an auto-lock scheme based on derived knowledge from
past user behaviors.