Abstract Numerous studies have described human
exposure to heavy metals from diverse sources in Nigeria,
but little is known about the exposure from personal care
products, and few or no report is available on the personal
care product concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper
and zinc, which have biotic effects. The levels of these
elements were determined in 74 samples of 5 different
classes of personal care products commonly used in
Nigeria using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Significant
levels of Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn were found in all the
products. The highest values of Cd (0.553 ppm) and Cu
(0.783 ppm) were observed in hair cream, while medicated
cream was mostly implicated for Cr (0.383 ppm) and Zn
(0.793 ppm). Since no limit relating to cosmetic products is
available, it is difficult to ascertain if the values of metals
obtained in this study are too high or low; but Cd and Cr
are prohibited in any amount in cosmetics. Prolonged use
of soaps and creams containing these elements may pose
threat to human health and the environment.