The classification, however, never would have been completed - or at
least not completed in so satisfactory a manner - had it not been for the
exceptionally competent efforts over the past few years of three members
of the Baker Library staff. Dr. A. Ross Eckler, who - unhappily for us -
has recently resigned to accept a position in the government service, elab-
orated several sections which had previously not been prepared, and he
carried through the major task of whipping all the schedules into final shape.
Miss Hazel Dean, head of our cataloging department, contributed in a sim-
ilar manner - including the drafting of individual sections - while she car-
ried the responsibility of trying out the new classification by actual use in
Baker Library, and of correlating the several sections into a consistent
whole. Miss Katherine A. Adams, who served as Miss Dean's assistant,
made many valuable suggestions regarding inconsistencies and detailed in-
adequacies of the new scheme, and was primarily responsible for the de-
velopment of the Index.The classification, however, never would have been completed - or at
least not completed in so satisfactory a manner - had it not been for the
exceptionally competent efforts over the past few years of three members
of the Baker Library staff. Dr. A. Ross Eckler, who - unhappily for us -
has recently resigned to accept a position in the government service, elab-
orated several sections which had previously not been prepared, and he
carried through the major task of whipping all the schedules into final shape.
Miss Hazel Dean, head of our cataloging department, contributed in a sim-
ilar manner - including the drafting of individual sections - while she car-
ried the responsibility of trying out the new classification by actual use in
Baker Library, and of correlating the several sections into a consistent
whole. Miss Katherine A. Adams, who served as Miss Dean's assistant,
made many valuable suggestions regarding inconsistencies and detailed in-
adequacies of the new scheme, and was primarily responsible for the de-
velopment of the Index.