Thank you for checking this delivery discrepancy.
However, although it was agreed by Graeme to reduced 232032 - E12227235 from x 3 to x 1, this has not been reflected on invoice MCP/UKD150604, this has x 3 and we have raised a warehouse booking reference to reflect that, the P/O 4500496024 has x 3, therefore should we be reducing the P/O to x 1? If so please issue us with a revised invoice MCP/UKD150604, I have attached this invoice that you have sent, it has x 3.
E12H14976 – 246904, yes there are x 7 on invoice MCP/UKD150607 but there are also x 8 on invoice MCP/UKD150604 although we have only received x 1, P/O 4500496024 has x 15 on it, again do you want this P/O reduced by x 7 and invoice MCP/UKD150604 reduced to x 1
If this is all correct please reissue invoice MCP/UKD150604 with the correct quantities a
232032 - E12227235 from x 3 to x 1
246904 - E12H14976 from x 8 to x 1
Also please send a revised P/O acknowledgement for P/O 4500496024 with the reduced quantities.