where yi and yj are the weight fractions of ethanol and water in the
permeate, respectively, and xi and xj are the weight fractions of ethanol
and water in the feed, W is the mass (g) of the permeate, A is
the effective area (m2) of the membrane, and t is the time interval
(h) for pervaporation.
The membrane flux was determined gravimetrically using a
balance with an accuracy of 104 g by weighing the mass of permeate
obtained during the collecting time. The enrichment factor represents
the membrane capacity of concentrating the component i
(Pereira et al., 2006) and is an interesting parameter to evaluate
the process for multicomponent mixtures.
Temperature dependency of the flux was analyzed using an
Arrhenius-type equation:
where yi and yj are the weight fractions of ethanol and water in thepermeate, respectively, and xi and xj are the weight fractions of ethanoland water in the feed, W is the mass (g) of the permeate, A isthe effective area (m2) of the membrane, and t is the time interval(h) for pervaporation.The membrane flux was determined gravimetrically using abalance with an accuracy of 104 g by weighing the mass of permeateobtained during the collecting time. The enrichment factor representsthe membrane capacity of concentrating the component i(Pereira et al., 2006) and is an interesting parameter to evaluatethe process for multicomponent mixtures.Temperature dependency of the flux was analyzed using anArrhenius-type equation:
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