Fire Giant
Having ventured deeply into the dungeon, a flowing river of lava came into view.
An underground lava river having a width exceeding 400 meters!
Harsh high temperature were being emitted enough to exhaust anyone getting near it.
Seoyoon stayed as far away from it in contrast to Weed who was marching towards it.
If not for his high fire resistance he would’ve suffered high amount of damage by now.
While Weed and his undead didn’t show much change on their bodies, Rover and Seoyoon were sweating out a lot.
Also their stamina was now consumed at a faster rate.
After confirming that there were no alternative ways to go around the lava river Weed made an announcement.
“We will have to go across using that.”
Rocks and metals were found sticking out in the middle of the lava river.
The smallest ones were barely enough to fit a foot while the larger ones were around 13 square feet.
A lot of them have flat surfaces.
Though that was not the only things found in the lava river.
Fire Giants that made the expedition group run away with tails behind their legs were sleeping in it.
And what connects the two sides from the lava river was a rope bridge probably used by either Inferno Knights or Chaos Warriors.
Weed examined the rope which seems to be made of twisted Bollard leather.
“Hmm, not sure if it’s safe, better test it with the undead. Chaos Warrior 1, you go first.”
“Yes. My. Lord.”
With the undead Chaos Warrior’s rigid movements it started to cross the rope bridge.
It was rather easy for the undead to cross since it didn’t have any fear of death.
After having crossed three-fourths of the rope bridge it then used its teleportation to reach the other side.
“Good. Let’s get moving.”
The other undead then took turns in crossing while Tori fly over carrying Geumini and Rover.
Rover, after seeing the hot flowing lava, got frightened and started to struggle but after much effort they were able to go across.
Now it was Weed and Seoyoon’s turn.
Out of concern, Weed suddenly asked Seoyoon.
“Are you scared?”
Seoyoon shook her head and then walked quickly towards the rope bridge.
Weed walked along behind her. He then grabbed the rope and gazed downwards, what he saw was quite a terrifying sight.
Popping bubbles from the red lava were producing intense heat.
One wrong move means a one way trip to hell!
Weed, feeling anxious, started muttering.
“You’re a guy who has live through worst situations than this. Just keep going straight, there should be nothing to be afraid, right? Though crossing the rope bridge maybe risky and dangerous but the monsters here use it and there seems to be no problem. In a way, I should consider myself lucky.”
As soon as Weed finished muttering 10 Chaos Warriors emerged from the other side.
It seems that a group of Chaos Warriors were scouting the area.
“I can sense someone’s presence.”