increase in the studied samples. In kidney beans, IDF
was significantly increased (p < 0.05) from 32.7% to
53.3% while in mung beans; the value was increased
from 24.8% to 26.2%. Significant IDF increment was
found in soy beans from 23.8% to 55.1% while in
germinated peanuts, IDF was significantly increased
from 16.0% to 30.8%.
Martin-Cabrejas et al. (2003) found that total
dietary fibre content was increased after germination
in daylight and without daylight. They also found
that IDF and SDF fibres were also increased after
germination. The result was similar to the current
study where it was found that TDF increased after
germination, alongside insoluble and SDF.
Dietary fibre was regarded as one of the most
important ingredient in human diet