Prometheus advised Zeus to unlock the Cyclopes from their prison Zeus threw open the gates of Tartarus and set his uncle free hundred-handed ones hurled boulders a hundred at a time against the Titans.
the Cyclopes made lightning bolts for Zeus to use as weapons they also gave Poseidon a magical trident with it Poseidon could shake the earth and shatter any object for Hades the Cyclopes fashioned a helmet that made the wearer invisible with these weapons and the strength of their new allies the Olympians won their ten-year war against the Titans.
this war was so terrible that it nearly destroyed the world old father sky became so weak that he was in danger of collapsing onto Mother earth after the Olympians were victorious Zeus condemned the Titan Atlas to support the sky on his shoulders for eternity today Mt.Atlas in northwestern Africa still seems to hold up the sky.
Zeus put Cronus and his allies except for Atlas of course in Tartarus then he assigned the hundred-handed ones to guard the gates of Tartarus for all time.
with the entire world open to them after the war the Olympians chose the summit of Mt.Olympus for their home Mt.Olympus lay in the center of Greece some ancient Greeks thought of Mt.Olympus as more than a real mountain they imagined it as some mysterious region far above all the mountains of the earth Wherever it was the entrance to the home of the gods was a great gate of clouds kept by the Seasons.
beyond these gates were the gods'dwellings it was a place of perfect peace the Greek poet homer wrote that no rain or snow ever fell there the cloudless blue heavens stretched around it on all sides and the yellow glory of sunshine bathed its walls.