study the effect of fatty acid from Schizochytrium sp. as a feed supplement for juvenile giant
freshwater prawns, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) was conducted by using 4 formulated diets to
contain 0 (fish oil 2%), 2, 4 and 8 % Schizochytrium. The prawns were raised in the hatchery at
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources for 60 days, compare to
the prawns fed on commercial diet. It was found that the prawns fed on 0 % (fish oil 2%)
showed percentage weight gain, average daily weight gain, specific growth rate and feed
conversion ratios were not difference from the prawns fed on 2 and 4 % Schizochytrium (p >
0.05) but significantly different from that fed on 8 % and commercial diet (p < 0.05). But
survival rates showed the best results at 2 % Schizochytrium which were not difference from
the prawns fed on commercial diet (p > 0.05) but significantly different from the prawn fed on
fish oil (2%), Schizochytrium 4 and 8 % (p < 0.05). This study showed that Schizochytrium sp.
can be used to replace fish oil and indicated that supplement at 2 % was appropiate for growth
performance and survival rate of M. rosenbergii juvenile.
study the effect of fatty acid from Schizochytrium sp. as a feed supplement for juvenile giantfreshwater prawns, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) was conducted by using 4 formulated diets tocontain 0 (fish oil 2%), 2, 4 and 8 % Schizochytrium. The prawns were raised in the hatchery atDepartment of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources for 60 days, compare tothe prawns fed on commercial diet. It was found that the prawns fed on 0 % (fish oil 2%)showed percentage weight gain, average daily weight gain, specific growth rate and feedconversion ratios were not difference from the prawns fed on 2 and 4 % Schizochytrium (p >0.05) but significantly different from that fed on 8 % and commercial diet (p < 0.05). Butsurvival rates showed the best results at 2 % Schizochytrium which were not difference fromthe prawns fed on commercial diet (p > 0.05) but significantly different from the prawn fed onfish oil (2%), Schizochytrium 4 and 8 % (p < 0.05). This study showed that Schizochytrium sp.can be used to replace fish oil and indicated that supplement at 2 % was appropiate for growthperformance and survival rate of M. rosenbergii juvenile.
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