Yunoha: My face is… red? …I’m sure… it’s your imagination…
*SFX: Closer rustle*
Yunoha: …No, if you say it’s red, I’m sure it is. I’ve felt strange lately. I get unbelievably nervous… when I touch your skin, my pulse races, and… I feel like I could to cry for no reason.
*SFX: Rustle*
Yunoha: I wonder what… this feeling is. It really hurts, but, saying that, it feels good too…
*SFX: Rustle!!*
Yunoha: What? If you hug me this hard, it hurts. …You feel the same way?
Yunoha: *soft chuckle* I see. You feel the same.
*SFX: Rustle*
Yunoha: *softer*…You feel the same way too right… *chuckle*
*SFX: Scene shift*
*SFX: Door opening*