Continuous "Namo Amitabha" chant in Vietnamese.
"Nam mo A Di Da Phat"
"Namo Amidha Buddha".
It is taught/told that when we see smaller creatures/animals/insects, if we put our palms/hands together (like praying gesture) and recite "Namo A Di Da Phat" (Amidha Buddha's name), we will plant/sow a Bodhi seed in that creature's 8th sense (memory sense of the 8 consciousnesses) and help set that creature's path to enlightenment in future lives as well as planting/sowing Bodhi seeds in our own 8th sense. And according to Karmic laws, the fruits of our labor of planting/sowing Bodhi seeds in the 8th sense is rebirth in Pureland.
I have edited this sound track to including only chanting parts so that the chanting is continuous, excluding resting parts.