Recent research has focused on the shift towards internal, teacher-conducted
assessment procedures like alternative and formative forms of assessment (e.g., Black &
Wiliam, 2003; Inbar-Lourie & Donitsa-Schmidt, 2009). Some teachers all over the world
find that top-down educational policy and bureaucratic measures or testing threaten their
feeling of having expertise and their confidence as a school teacher (Inbar-Lourie &
Donitsa-Schmidt, 2009; Black & Wiliam, 2003). Moreover, teachers might not consider the
feedback information from external assessment pedagogically relevant for improving
particularly their classroom activities and may instead see it as external control.
Consequently, in the top-down policy, the assessment data is probably not used for
improving classroom activities or seen as a positive support for enhancing student learning.
In Finland we have had a long-standing policy on teacher-conducted assessment and
teachers have been considered to be at the core of assessment by implementing and
mediating assessment procedures. This type of internal, teacher conducted assessment
policy supports teachers also to modify classroom practice
Recent research has focused on the shift towards internal, teacher-conductedassessment procedures like alternative and formative forms of assessment (e.g., Black &Wiliam, 2003; Inbar-Lourie & Donitsa-Schmidt, 2009). Some teachers all over the worldfind that top-down educational policy and bureaucratic measures or testing threaten theirfeeling of having expertise and their confidence as a school teacher (Inbar-Lourie &Donitsa-Schmidt, 2009; Black & Wiliam, 2003). Moreover, teachers might not consider thefeedback information from external assessment pedagogically relevant for improvingparticularly their classroom activities and may instead see it as external control.Consequently, in the top-down policy, the assessment data is probably not used forimproving classroom activities or seen as a positive support for enhancing student learning.In Finland we have had a long-standing policy on teacher-conducted assessment andteachers have been considered to be at the core of assessment by implementing andmediating assessment procedures. This type of internal, teacher conducted assessmentpolicy supports teachers also to modify classroom practice
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